Monday, June 18, 2012

Cute Banner Craft

Make this cute, simple banner to decorate a kid's bedroom, decorate for a party, or just liven up your house!  It works nicely as either a family project or something for your kids to work on at the table while you're making dinner.

Materials needed:

Three 9"x12" sheets of colored felt
Foam or felt stickers
Glitter glue or puffy paint
Strong glue (Like Beacons 3-in-1)
Hole punch
1/4" satin ribbon


1.  Cut 9 triangles from the felt. They should be approximately 3" wide at the base and 10" long.

2.  Decorate the triangles with the stickers, glitter glue, and/or puffy paint.  Glue the beads on for added detail.

3.  Punch two holes at the top corners of each triangle.

4.  String the triangles on the ribbon in a pleasing pattern and then hang.

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